January 16, 2025
children's eyes

To maintain the health of the eyes, and the normal, and high-quality vision of our children, it is necessary to combine the various professionals in charge of the field of vision and observe periodic examinations for myopia control lenses for various signs that may arise in the children. Of the children who participated in the study, only one in three children who wore the contact lenses experienced an increase in the myopia of over 0.75 diopters, compared to three in four children who wore daily single-focus contact lenses.

The sooner the parents bring him to diagnosis and treatment and do not think that these are idle complaints that will be replaced, the greater the chance that the child will not have to suffer for the rest of his life from poor vision. Older children can notice that something is wrong and complain and come to the parents with the complaint or with a request to be examined. The difficulty is locating the smaller children who are unaware that they have a vision problem and do not know how to express it. Therefore, it is important to check the vision from the age of six months onwards.

What types of solutions for lenses are there?

Therapeutic solution for lenses – hydrogen peroxide: this solution is a solution that cleanses the lenses using hydrogen peroxide. Using a therapeutic solution for very effective lenses although one should be very careful. Hydrogen peroxide may well damage your eyes.

myopia control lenses

Therapeutic solution for lenses – multifunctional:

Therapeutic solution for lenses is especially effective and perhaps the most popular. It is simple to use, and suitable for most lenses.

If you wear the lenses before going to bed and remove them in the morning. You will find almost normal vision, and you will not feel any discomfort at all until you return home after being active during the day. In any case, be very careful and pay attention when wearing lenses that you clean with hydrogen peroxide.

This means that if the product that comes to you does not meet the requirements, will not suit you or you will simply find that you were wrong at the time of placing the order. Nothing will happen because you can return the product. It is also worth knowing that there are also lenses that can protect your eyes from the sun. This is another statistic that is highly recommended to consider while choosing the right lenses for you. Carefully check the refund terms. Finally, another tip regarding buying contact lenses online is to check the return policy of the site. The good news is that today the various sites offer a very convenient return policy.